Monday 7 November 2011

Compiling a Bibliography using Zotero

Bibliography Task

Two full length books:

Spuy, R.V.D., 2009. Foundation Game Design with Flash, Apress.
         Co, P., 2006. Level Design for Games: Creating Compelling Game Experiences 1st ed., New Riders.

Two contributions to a book:
         E. Roy Weintraub, 1995. Toward a History of Game Theory (History of Political Economy Annual Supplement). 2nd Edition. Duke University Press Books.
        Gale, D, 1857. Information in Games with Finite Resources. Contributions to the Theory of Games, Volume 3, 141-146.
Two articles from academic journals:

        Club, L.W.C, 2010. The Theory of Modern Whist. Westminster Papers: A Monthly Journal of Chess, Whist, Games of Skill, and The Drama, Part 3, pp 9-10.

         Williams, S.M, 1992. Simulation/Games for Learning : Journal of Sagset, Volume 22 , Kogan Page Ltd/Sagset.


Zotero is good when it works but when it doesn't it can be quite frustrating to get it to automate. 75% of the time Zotero automates, the other 25% means that the source you are searching for does not have any info, of the book, embedded on the website. Ofcourse you would have to find a suitable website that has all the information of the book stored. You can highlight the text and input them in to Zotero manually. Once you have the information all set up you can just right click on the source to create a bibliography, it is very handy because it takes the time away in having to format all sources correctly.
You can also store the pdf files you find online.

Zotero working as intended...for now.

If you want to try Zotero for yourself, download the Firefox plugin here.


  1. Hi Gav,

    If you check the task again you'll see it asks for two full length books, two contributions to a book and two articles from academic journals.

  2. There we go :), I updated them. I'm not too sure about my chocies of the two contributions...

  3. Hi Gav, the journal articles seem to lack titles. If you have a look at my bibliography post you'll see how the various bits fit together:
